/ AUGUST 2005
Review Article
Infections transmitted from donors to recipients following
organ transplantation
There is an ever-increasing gap between the number of donors
and those waiting for organ grafts, resulting in increased waiting
times and mortality on transplant waiting lists. Consequently,
every potential donor must be considered for possible transplantation
even if they are outside the conventional donor criteria. To
address this imbalance, organs are currently transplanted from
living donors, older donors, haemodynamically unstable and non-heart-beating
donors, and donors with prior infections. There is a potential
to transmit infections and, to a lesser extent, malignancy from
the donor organ to the immunosuppressed recipient, and this
may also have an effect on subsequent organ function in the
recipient. Thus, transmission of infections from organ donors
to recipients represents low but serious potential risks that
must be weighed against a candidate’s risk of dying before
a transplant becomes available.
Natl Med J India 2005;18:189–94
The risk of infection being transmitted through transplanted
organs is well recognized.1 However,
the shortage of donors and the ever-increasing list of potential
recipients has prompted
a re-evaluation of the risks of transplantation of organs from
donors with various infections. Transmission of infections from
an organ donor to a recipient must be weighed against the chances
of recipient mortality during the waiting period. In addition,
certain infections adversely affect the overall outcome after
transplantation.1 This
review discusses various infections transmitted by donors to
transplant recipients as well as current prophylactic
Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
HBV can be transmitted by all solid organ transplants. The transmission
rate depends on the stage of HBV infection in the donor, the
presence or absence of viraemia, replication status of the virus
in the liver, the anti-HBs immune status of the patient and
the transplanted allograft.2 Several
markers, which reflect the stage and course of HBV infection,
permit definition of
the risk of transmission and suitability of transplantation
of the organ. Following acute infection, hepatitis B surface
antigen (HBsAg) appears in the blood in about 6 weeks to 3 months
and then disappears. If it persists, it indicates either chronic
infection or a carrier state. IgM anti-hepatitis B core antibodies
(anti-HBc) are the earliest antibodies to be detected, usually
6 weeks after HBV infection. IgG anti-HBc persists throughout
life in previously infected patients. The antibody to HBsAg
(anti-HBs) appears subsequently and may take up to 6 months.
A window period of isolated anti-HBc positivity occurs after
an acute infection during which HBsAg has cleared from the serum
but anti-HBs has not yet appeared. Donors are screened for the
presence of HBsAg, anti-HBs and anti-HBc. Donors may present
with either isolated HBsAg positivity, anti-HBs positivity,
or anti-HBc positivity, or with both anti-HBs and anti-HBc positivity.
The presence of isolated anti-HBs positivity is possible after
vaccination with hepatitis B vaccine, after administration of
hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG), after transfusion of blood
products from an immunized donor or after previous HBV infection.3
Hepatitis B surface antigen positive. HBV transmission has been
documented to occur after transplantation from HBsAg-positive
donors.4,5 Although HBsAg-positive
allografts have been transplanted successfully to critically
ill HBsAg-negative recipients in
life-threatening conditions,6 a
satisfactory clinical course depends on whether the recipient
has been previously immunized
against HBV.7 Since almost all
recipients acquire HBV infection, hepatitis B-positive donors
are used only for life-threatened
heart transplant recipients.
Isolated anti-HBs positive. A donor with isolated anti-HBs positivity
is unlikely to transmit HBV infection because there is no evidence
of active viral replication. However, some of these donors with
anti-HBs may be HBV DNA positive in blood and liver biopsy specimens.8 HBV
DNA viraemia can be detected by PCR in the serum and liver more
than a decade after apparent recovery from HBV infection.
Experience with these donors has shown that they could transmit
infection to recipients.8 Fortunately,
the risk is minimal (<1%),
and if one encounters such a scenario, additional donor details
regarding vaccination and administration of HBIG must be obtained.
HBsAg negative, and anti-HBs and anti-HBc positive. A donor
serological profile of both hepatitis B surface and core antigens
confers donors with immunity to HBV. However, when these donor
organs are transplanted, there is a risk of HBV transmission
as the liver continues to harbour HBV, which replicates in an
immunosuppressed environment.
Isolated anti-HBc positive. Isolated anti-HBc positivity is
of particular concern. Liang et al. using PCR detected HBV viraemia
in 30% of healthy blood donors who were IgG anti-HBc positive
and anti-HBs negative, and in 8% of donors with IgG anti-HBc
and high titres of anti-HBs.9 The
prevalence of anti-HBc in organ and blood donors reflects the
frequency of HBV in the
general population, and organ donors have nearly two-fold higher
anti-HBc prevalence than blood donors.9
The risk of de novo HBV infection from anti-HBc positive donors
varies with the immune status of the recipient. Recipients who
are anti-HBs positive have the lowest risk of developing de
novo HBV infection with a liver allograft from an anti-HBc donor.
Recipients who are positive only for anti-HBc have a significantly
higher risk (13%) and recipients who are naïve (anti-HBs
negative and anti-HBc negative) have the highest risk (72%)
of de novo HBV infection.10 Although
anti-HBc-positive donors accounted for 3.8% of the transplanted
livers, 86% of post-transplantation
de novo hepatitis B infection could be attributed to these donors.11
The risk of HBV infection also varies with the type of allograft
transplanted. It is now well established that HBV has been transmitted
to liver allograft recipients from cadaver donors who are only
anti-HBc positive. The risk is minimal with kidney and heart
allograft when compared to liver allograft recipients. In the
University of California, San Francisco study, only 1 in 42
kidney and 0 of 7 heart allograft recipients became HBsAg positive
following transplantation from isolated anti-HBc-positive donors,
whereas 3 of 6 liver transplant recipients became HBsAg positive
from similar donors.12 In another
study by Kadian et al. using anti-HBc-positive donors, 4 of
12 liver transplant recipients
and none of 19 kidney and 12 heart transplant recipients became
de novo HBsAg positive.13
Experience with de novo HBV infection transmitted from organ
donors suggests that the clinical course is benign, with no
liver failure or adverse effect on graft and patient survival.14 Thus,
if livers from anti-HBc-positive donors are to be used for transplantation,
long term antiviral therapy should be considered.
The use of HBIG prophylaxis to delay or inhibit HBV reinfection
has been well documented.15 Lamivudine
therapy has been successful but there is a risk of emergence
of resistant mutants.16,17 Encouraging
results have also been reported with a combination of HBIG and
lamivudine or other newer antiviral drugs such as
adefovir and tenofovir.18,19
Hepatitis C virus (HCV)
HCV infection is a major cause of chronic liver disease. Approximately
170 million people worldwide are infected with HCV.20 It
is estimated that approximately 5% of all organ donors are anti-HCV
positive.21 Most organ procurement
organizations have made it a policy to screen all donors for
anti-HCV, which appears in
the blood sample within 2 months after exposure. Unfortunately,
the presence of antibody in the blood does not confer immunity22 and,
surprisingly, it does not predict transmission either.21 Transmissibility
of HCV to the recipient is better assessed
by testing HCV antigen (RNA) in the blood by PCR. All PCR-positive
donors will transmit HCV to organ recipients. Usually only 50%
of anti-HCV positive patients are positive for HCV antigen by
second-generation PCR. Though the test is 98% specific, the
positive predictive value of PCR is low in the donor population
with a low prevalence for HCV (55%) and it is not feasible for
testing cadaver donors.21 Additionally,
the risk of HCV transmission from an anti-HCV positive, PCR-negative
donor is not known.
Thus, exclusion of all anti-HCV positive donors, while eliminating
the possibility of transmission, would unnecessarily discard
some organs which are not infected with HCV.
HCV-negative recipients of HCV-positive donors have reduced
patient and graft survival rates. It is evident that transplantation
of hepatic allografts from HCV-positive donors to recipients
with HCV-related liver disease has not resulted in differences
in graft and patient survival, compared to HCV-positive recipients
from HCV-negative donors.23–25 However,
the recurrence rate is faster in HCV-positive recipients who
receive organs
from donors positive for HCV.24 Subsequent
analysis has shown that when genotype mismatch occurs between
donor and recipient
types, only one viral genotype prevails. Subtype 1b and type
1 always become predominant strains.26 Data
show that the virulence of the HCV strain, regardless of its
source, may be more important
in predicting recurrent HCV disease in the recipient than the
HCV status of the donor or recipient.
HCV infection usually takes a chronic, indolent and slowly progressive
course, with cirrhosis or liver cancer not developing till 5–20
years after infection. However, the consequences of transplantation-acquired
HCV infection have not been fully evaluated and depend on different
viral and/or host factors.27
Treatment of HCV infection in immunocompromised recipients is
not successful. Interferon,28 ribavirin29 and
immunoglobulins30 have
been tried with variable results. Bizollon et al. used
a combination of interferon–ribavirin therapy in 44 patients
with recurrent hepatitis C after liver transplant. In 93% of
patients a sustained virological response was noted for at least
3 years after cessation of therapy.31
The present data suggest that there is no short term deterrent
to using HCV-positive donors for HCV-positive recipients. Donor
liver biopsies may be of help in this regard, because livers
with active hepatitis are more likely to yield poor results.
Avoiding the use of particularly virulent donor HCV strains
will not be possible until more rapid genotyping techniques
are available.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
CMV has been shown to be transmitted by all solid organ transplants
from seropositive donors. The vast majority of sero-negative
recipients will acquire CMV infection from liver allografts
and are at high risk of developing CMV disease within the first
few months after transplantation. Both donors and recipients
should be tested for CMV status (antibody to CMV) as it has
implications for subsequent therapy. Transplantation of organs
from a CMV-positive donor to a CMV-negative recipient poses
a 40%–73% risk of primary infection.32 Recipients
who are CMV positive are at moderate risk (6%–38%), while
CMV-negative recipients who receive a transplant from a CMV-negative
donor are at the lowest risk (<1%).32 The
immunosuppressed status of the recipient provides an ideal environment
for virus
activation and replication. In addition, there is a risk of
superinfection by different strains from the donor.
The occurrence of CMV disease has been associated with increased
morbidity and decreased survival in solid organ transplantation.
CMV infection may be limited to viraemia or viruria without
overt symptoms, or it may present as a viral syndrome with fever,
malaise or signs and symptoms of tissue invasion. Indirect evidence
identifies CMV as a risk factor for acute graft rejection, which
is correlated with poor long term graft survival. As a consequence
of its effects on the immune system, CMV also increases the
risk of fungal and other superinfections in transplant recipients.33 In
liver transplants, there is an increased risk of hepatic artery
thrombosis, vanishing bile duct syndrome and biliary
However, transplantation of organs from CMV-seropositive donors
has not been considered a contraindication because the high
prevalence of the virus among the general population makes it
impractical to rule out such donors. Recent evidence suggests
that even such mismatches between CMV-positive donors and CMV-negative
recipients can be successfully overcome by prophylaxis against
CMV. Treatment with valacyclovir after renal transplantation
has reduced the incidence or delayed the onset of CMV disease
in both seronegative and seropositive patients.35 In
another study, the prophylactic use of oral valacyclovir was
found to
be as effective as oral ganciclovir in reducing CMV infection
and disease after kidney transplantation.36 More
recently, the use of oral ganciclovir prophylaxis to prevent
of CMV disease from donor to recipient has also improved graft
and recipient survival rates.37
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV)
Serological testing for this virus is not performed routinely
because more than 95% of donors are positive for the IgG antibody.
However, the risk is higher in EBV-negative patients receiving
organs from an EBV-positive donor. The critical effect of EBV
is its role in post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD).
The risk of developing PTLD is associated with the type and
intensity of the immunosuppressive regimen. PTLD has been linked
to the use of immunosuppressants such as cyclosporin, tacrolimus
and, more importantly, antilymphocytic therapy.38 The
risk of developing PTLD is influenced by the type of allograft
with the highest incidence in recipients of lung allografts.39
Currently, there is no effective way of preventing PTLD other
than reducing or completely stopping all immunosuppressive medication.
Encouraging results have been obtained with the prophylactic
use of acyclovir and ganciclovir in preventing PTLD in seronegative
recipients.40 Some other groups
have measured the viral load in peripheral blood and tailored
antiviral drug usage to those
recipients who showed an elevated viral load.41
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Among the most detrimental infections transmitted from the donor
to the recipient is HIV type-1. The transmission rate is high
irrespective of the transplanted organ. Screening of donors
with a highly sensitive assay for HIV antibodies is routine
in all centres. Organs from donors with a positive ELISA test
cannot be used for transplantation unless subsequent testing
with western blot analysis indicates that the original test
was indeed false-positive. Several instances of HIV transmission
from individuals who were not yet seroconverted and were negative
for antibody have been reported. Therefore, screening for HIV-1
p24 antigen has been proposed but the diagnostic window that
can be shortened by p24 testing is only about 6 days. If PCR
is employed, it further shortens this window by another 5 days.42 However,
with time constraints imposed by cadaver donation, PCR testing
is not practical. The utility of p24 antigen testing
was evident in a retrospective analysis by Simonds.43 He
reported transmission of HIV to 7 recipients from seronegative
which presumably could have been avoided if the donor had been
tested for the p24 antigen. However, these tests have false-positive
results and this should be taken into consideration as such
organs would be wasted. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
has developed guidelines for the prevention of transmission
of HIV infection to organ and tissue recipients. It recommends
obtaining a social history of the donor before considering organ
donation, and the potential risk of donor HIV infection has
to be informed to recipients even though the risk is presumed
by behavioural social history.44 In
contrast, there is no such time constraint for testing in live
donors. All donors are advised
voluntary testing for HIV 2–3 months prior to organ donation.
The potential donor is advised to avoid high-risk behaviour
which may lead to HIV infection and HIV testing should be repeated
immediately prior to donation.
Human T cell leukaemia virus-1 (HTLV-1)
Although reports of transmission of HTLV-1 through blood transfusion
are available in the literature, the risk through organ donation
is not known. A patient infected with HTLV-1 by blood transfusion
is at risk of developing either adult T-cell leukaemia or neurological
disorders.45 There is a case report
of transmission of HTLV-1 from a living kidney donor to the
recipient.46 Thus, a positive
donor screening test for this virus is an absolute contra-indication
for organ donation.
Human herpes virus-8 (HHV-8)
HHV-8 infection is associated with Kaposi sarcoma. In 220 renal
transplant recipients, the presence of antibodies to HHV-8 on
serum samples was tested on the day of transplantation and after
1 year. Seroconversion was detected in 25 patients and Kaposi
sarcoma developed in 2 of them within the first year following
transplantation. None of the controls who were seronegative
at the time of transplantation and had received allografts from
HHV-8 negative donors had seroconversion during the same period.47 Milliancourt
et al. studied 287 patients who were HHV-8 seronegative before
renal transplantation and were tested for HHV-8 antibodies
by an immunofluorescence assay 12 months after transplantation.
Six patients (2.1%) had seroconverted after renal transplantation.48 These
results show that HHV-8 seroconversion can be observed even
in a low HHV-8 prevalence area and confirms the need to
perform systematic screening for HHV-8 antibodies in renal graft
donors and recipients. Routine screening of cadaver donors for
this virus is not warranted due to the rarity of Kaposi sarcoma
in transplant recipients.
Other viruses
Reports of transmission of rabies and Creutzfeldt–Jakob
disease from tissue donors are available in the literature.
A positive history of these diseases is a contraindication for
organ donation.49 Although successful
transplantation of organs from patients who died with Reye syndrome
has been reported,
many transplant centres do not consider organs from donors who
had died with undiagnosed viral infections.50 A
recent case of West Nile virus (WNV) transmitted through organ
in the USA has been reported.51 At
present, there are no approved screening tests for organ donors
for West Nile virus infection.
In endemic areas, donor procurement organizations should consider
this risk and take necessary precautions.
Bacterial transmission from donated organs may occur from contamination
at the time of retrieval, or from environmental contamination
of the organ during transport and storage. Recent review articles
describe the transmission of bacterial infections following
transplantation resulting in vascular anastomotic infections,
graft infections and bacteraemia.1,52–54 Organisms
such as Staphylococcus aureus,52 Bacteroides
spp.,53 Klebsiella, Enterobacter,54 E.
coli54 and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa55 have
been transmitted to allograft recipients resulting in mycotic
aneurysms and disruption of vascular anastomoses. However, critical
analysis of the published literature fails to provide clear
evidence that there is transmission of bacterial infection to
the recipients.
Donors with bacterial meningitis have been successfully transplanted
without increased risk of complications and with no difference
in graft and recipient survival. In a study by Satoi et al.,
liver grafts from 33 donors with bacterial meningitis were transplanted
into 34 recipients. There was no difference in recipient and
graft survival rates between the study group and the recipient-matched
groups, with a mean post-transplant follow up of 37 months.56 In
another study by Lopez-Navidad et al. using organs from donors
with meningitis, none of the recipients developed infectious
complications caused by meningeal pathogens57 and
in a subsequent study they reported a successful outcome in
11 recipients.58 Haemophilus
influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitides
and E. coli are the most common bacterial pathogens
and these can be controlled by treating the donor and recipient
with broad-spectrum antibiotics.59 Many
bacterial organisms including N. meningitidis, S. pneumoniae
and H. influenzae are
extremely susceptible to unfavourable environmental changes,
including low temperatures attained during perfusion and storage
at 4 ºC prior to transplantation. This may be responsible
for the favourable outcome even when the donor has a bacterial
Experience with organ transplantation from donors with documented
bacteraemia has also been encouraging. Freeman et al. reported
their experience with 95 bacteraemic donors from whom 212 recipients
received organs. Forty-six donors (48%) had pathogens in their
blood and the remaining 49 donors had either Staphylococcus
epidermidis or other unlikely pathogens recovered from the blood.
In none of them was there documented evidence of infection,
and graft and recipient survival was not significantly different
from that of recipients of organs from that of non-bacteraemic
donors.60 Lammermeier
et al. reported their experience of 14 infected donors (7 with
documented bacteraemia and 7 with pneumonia
with positive sputum cultures) with no infectious complications
in the recipients.61 Little
et al. reported a successful outcome in 6 orthotopic liver transplants,
11 renal transplants, 1 combined
heart–lung transplant and 1 simultaneous kidney and pancreas
transplant with organs from 8 donors in whom bacterial meningitis
(n=7) and acute bacterial epiglottitis (n=1) were the antecedent
causes of death.62 Successful transplantation
of organs from a donor with endocarditis has also been reported.63
The available data do not provide enough evidence to answer
many of the questions surrounding the transmission of bacterial
infections from infected donors. In most of the larger series,
recipients of organs from bacteraemic donors were treated more
aggressively with antibiotic prophylaxis, usually longer than
48 hours after transplant. There is also no consensus on the
timing and duration of antibiotic prophylaxis both before and
after transplantation. Even though donor bacterial infections
are relatively common, these data suggest that organs procured
from these donors are likely to function well and pose little,
if any, risk to the recipient, provided that the recipient is
treated with suitable antibacterial agents.
The transmission of tuberculosis by donor organs has been reported
in recipients of kidney, lung and liver allografts.64,65 A
recent review by Singh and Paterson reported that donor transmission
was the proposed source of tuberculosis in 4% of transplant
recipients with tuberculosis.64 In
addition, extrapulmonary tuberculosis transmitted from the donated
kidney and liver has
been reported. Both isolates from separate recipients were indistinguishable
using IS6110 typing.
Iatrogenic transmission of syphilis is rare, particularly with
advances in blood transfusion practices. There has been no documented
case of syphilitic transmission by organ transplantation to
date. However, the risk of syphilitic transmission is not insignificant
and has been estimated to be about 0.15%. Fortunately, the risk
of transmission is further lowered by the frequent use of penicillin
in perfusion solutions and the low temperature at which organs
are perfused and stored. There is no contraindication to organ
procurement from donors with a positive serology for syphilis.
Additionally, a standard course of antibiotic treatment with
either penicillin or doxycyclin/erythromycin in those allergic
to penicillin would provide sufficient coverage to prevent syphilitic
complications in the recipient. There are at least 3 reports
of successful organ transplantation from donors with positive
serological tests for syphilis.66–68
Toxoplasma gondii can be transmitted by solid organ transplants
to seronegative recipients resulting in serious infections.
In immunocompromised individuals it can cause encephalitis,
myocarditis, pneumonitis and generalized lymphadenopathy. Due
to its propensity to persist in its encysted form in muscle
tissue, recipients of heart transplants are particularly prone
to toxoplasmosis.69,70 Fatal outcomes
have also been observed in renal71 and
liver transplant recipients.72 It
has been estimated that without prophylaxis, approximately 50%
of seronegative
heart recipients, 20% of liver recipients and <1% of kidney
recipients acquire toxoplasmosis. Fortunately, a combination
of trimethoprim– sulphamethoxazole used for prophylaxis
against Pneumocystis carinii in transplant recipients is also
effective against T. gondii. This reduces the risk to recipients
of organs from infected donors.73 Seropositivity
with T. gondii is not a contraindication per se for organ donation.
Other parasites
As migration of populations around the world increases, the
number of individuals infected with organisms usually confined
to specific geographic areas also increases. Recent reports
of Trypanosoma cruzi74,75 and
malaria76 being
transmitted from donors leading to an adverse outcome have been
described in
the literature. Although the routine screening of donors for
these infections may not be required, these infections must
be considered in the differential diagnoses, particularly if
the donor belongs to an endemic area. Antimicrobial therapy
for these infections is usually successful, though drug toxicity
may result in a poor outcome.
Patients with fungaemia may not be suitable for transplantation
due to lack of adequate treatment and paucity of data in this
regard. Reports of transmission of Candida albicans,77 Cryptococcus,77 and
Histoplasma capsulatum53 from donors
causing mycotic aneurysms and anastomotic disruption are available
in the literature.
Keating et al. reported transmission of invasive aspergillosis
from a subclinically infected donor to 3 different organ transplant
recipients with dismal results.78 Candida
infection remains a major complication in patients with intra-abdominal
organ transplantations in which the bowel is surgically manipulated.
Aspergillus infection remains the main fungal complication in
lung transplantation recipients. Suppression of Candida growth
at the time of surgical manipulation of the bowel is the best
way to prevent this infection in intra-abdominal organ transplantation.
To prevent Candida infection in recipients of pancreas transplants,
many centres prophylactically administer amphotericin B through
the nasogastric tube during organ procurement.79
Donor infections are transmissible to recipients. The results
of such transmission have a variable effect, depending upon
the type of organism and the presence of prophylactic and curative
treatment. On the other hand, failure to perform an organ transplant
may result in an additional risk of complications to the recipient
while awaiting transplant, and a poorer outcome post-transplant.
A risk–benefit assessment must be done when transplanting
such organs and the risk should be clearly explained to the
prospective recipient.
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Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Edgbaston,
Birmingham B15 2TH, UK
Correspondence to D. F. MIRZA; Darius .Mirza@uhb.nhs.uk