Review Article 255
Chronic myelogenous leukaemia (CML): An update
The management of chronic myelogenous leukaemia
(CML) has undergone a major change over the past 5 years.
All newly
diagnosed patients of CML are candidates for imatinib mesylate
therapy. Almost 95% of patients with early chronic phase
CML achieve complete haematological remission (CHR) and
nearly 80% achieve complete cytogenetic response (CGR;
0% Philadelphia [Ph] chromosome-positive metaphases). These
responses are stable in most patients with a risk of relapse
of 4%–6% per year. For patients with advanced CML
(accelerated phase and blast crisis), achievement of CHR
and major (complete and partial) CGR occurs in 25%–37%
and 10%–30% of patients, respectively. Most investigators
agree that patients who fail to achieve CHR by 12 weeks,
have partial cytogenetic response (<35% Ph-positive
metaphases) at 12 months, have CGR by 18 months, who relapse
after initial response to imatinib, and those with a high
Sokal score or in an advanced phase of CML should be considered
for allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT). Despite
Ph negativity with imatinib treatment, most patients continue
to remain BCR–ABL positive on molecular studies,
and require treatment indefinitely. Identification of patients
at high risk for relapse and understanding the mechanisms
to unravel resistance to imatinib are current areas of
active research.
Natl Med J India 2006;19:255–63
Chronic myelogenous leukaemia (CML) is a clonal myelo-proliferative
disorder of the pluripotent stem cell. Its incidence is
1 per 100 000 population in the West.1 The true incidence
of CML in India is not available. According to 6 population-based
cancer registries (covering <0.3% of the total population),
the incidence of CML in India varies from 0.8 to 2.2 per
100 000 population for men and from 0.6 to 1.6 per 100
000 population for women.2 Hospital-based studies have
reported a higher frequency of CML ranging from 40% to
82% of all cases of leukaemia among adults.3
The disease is usually characterized by an insidious onset
of symptoms, progressive splenomegaly, marrow hypercellularity,
anaemia, leucocytosis and cytogenetically by the presence
of Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome t(9;22)(q34;q11) in 90%–95%
of patients. The disease follows a biphasic or triphasic
course. There is an initial chronic phase which after an
average of 5–5.5 years may progress to an intermediate
phase called accelerated phase followed by blastic transformation
or blast crisis. At the time of presentation 90%–95%
of patients are in the chronic phase while the remaining
may have features of advanced disease.4
The median age of onset is 38–40 years in India3 compared to 50 years in the West. There is a slight male
preponderance. With routine screening tests, 5%–15%
of patients are diagnosed in the asymptomatic stage. The
presenting symptoms are usually malaise, fatigue, abdominal
fullness, fever, weight loss, abdominal pain and occasionally
easy bruising or bleeding. Splenomegaly is present in 90%
of patients and in one-third of them it is >10 cm in
size. Nearly 25% of patients have hepatomegaly (>2 cm)
but lymphadenopathy is uncommon (<10%) in the chronic
phase (CP) and is confined to 1–2 regions with small
lymph nodes. Initial haematological investigations show
a normal haemoglobin, total leucocyte count (WBC) of 100–300×109/L
and platelet count of 200–400×109/L. Differential
count shows the myeloid series of cells in all stages of
maturation with <10% myeloblasts and promyelocytes and
a predominance of myelocytes. Basophils are increased but
only 10%–15% of patients have >7% basophils in
the peripheral blood. Frequently, eosinophils are mildly
increased. The bone marrow (BM) is hypercellular and devoid
of fat. There is myeloid hyperplasia with a myeloid-to-erythroid
ratio of 10–30:1. Evidence of focal fibrosis may
be seen on reticulin stain in 25%–28% of patients
in the chronic phase but increases with disease progression.
The biochemical abnormalities include low leucocyte alkaline
phosphatase (LAP) score, and marked elevation of serum
B12 and B12 binding protein transcobalamine-I.
Hyperuricaemia related to increased cell turnover may occur
prior to therapy and may be exacerbated by treatment. The
LAP score may increase with infection, clinical remission
or onset of blast crisis.4 Though earlier studies (prior
to the 1970s) reported the clinical and laboratory features
of CML patients at diagnosis, only few studies have reported
this aspect in the past 3 decades. We analysed the clinical
and laboratory features of 437 patients seen at our institute
between 1987 and 20005 and compared them with two other
Indian studies (from AIIMS, New Delhi [1975–1983]6 and from the Cancer Institute, Chennai [1975–1985]7),
two European studies (from Hammersmith Hospital, London
[1973–1995]8 and the German CML Study Group [1983–1991]9)
and a study from North America10 (Table I).
With conventional treatment CP progresses to an accelerated
phase (AP) that lasts for 1–1.5 years and is followed
by a blast crisis (BC). In 20%–25% of patients, the
transition to BC may be without an intermediate AP. The
criteria used to define AP are presence of 10%–19%
blasts in the peripheral blood (PB) and/or bone marrow
(BM), >20% basophils in the PB or BM, platelet count <100
000/cmm unrelated to therapy, or platelet count >
1 000 000 unresponsive to therapy, cytogenetic evolution
with new abnormalities in addition to the Philadelphia
chromosome (double Ph chromosome, isochromosome 17 and
trisomy of chromosomes 8, 19 or 21), and p53 mutations
or deletions, increasing splenomegaly or WBC count, unresponsive
to therapy.11 BC is a terminal event in 70% of patients
and is characterized by the above features as well as >30%
blasts in the PB/BM.4,11
Occasionally, extramedullary blastic
infiltrates in the lymph nodes, bone or skin may precede
BC in the BM. Phenotypically,
blasts are mainly myeloblastic (60%), lymphoblastic (20%)
and undifferentiated (10%–15%). Rarely, there may
be erythro-blastic, megakaryocytic or mixed transformation.4,11 Focal
myelo-fibrosis may be seen in up to 30% of patients at
presentation. Increasing myelofibrosis on serial BM
biopsies may be associated with AP/BC.12
The Ph chromosome results from reciprocal translocation
between the long arm of chromosomes 9 and 22.13 Cell synchronization
and high resolution banding techniques have identified
the chromosome breakpoints as t(9;22)(q34.1:11.2).14 The
Ph chromosome is also found in 20%–25% of adults
and 5% of children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)
and in 1%–2% of patients with acute myeloblastic
leukaemia.15 In the formation of the Ph chromosome, the
ABL proto-oncogene is translocated from chromosome 9 (q34.1)
to the BCR gene in chromosome 22 (q11.2). The resultant
fusion gene BCR–ABL transcribes a chimeric 8.5 mRNA
which in turn is translated into a novel protein of p210
kDa termed as p210. The latter, presumably through increased
tyrosine kinase activity changes normal haematopoietic
cells into CML cells in vitro and in vivo.16,17 The activation
of multiple signal transduction pathways in BCR–ABL transformed cells leads to increased proliferation, reduced
growth factor dependence and apoptosis, and perturbed interaction
with the extracellular matrix and stroma.18
Approximately, 3%–10% of CML patients have cytogenetically
normal leukaemic cells (Ph-negative). A proportion of these
patients (30%–80%) have re-arrangements of the BCR–ABL gene with the production of an 8.5 kb mRNA and p210 kDa
BCR–ABL protein similar to that in patients with
Ph-positive CML. The clinical outcome of patients who are
Ph-negative but BCR–ABL positive is similar to that
of patients with Ph-positive, re-arranged BCR–ABL,
suggesting that they represent a single disease. Ph-negative
patients with absence of BCR–ABL re-arrangement have
a distinct clinical course despite their early resemblance
to classical CML. They eventually develop BM failure (anaemia,
thrombo-cytopenia) accompanied by a markedly increased
leukaemia burden with increased WBC count, organomegaly
and extramedullary disease. Blast transformation generally
does not occur. These are probably cases of myelodysplastic
syndrome/chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia. WHO has defined
this subgroup as ‘myeloproliferative syndrome, unclassifiable’.11
The investigations to be done in a newly suspected case
of CML are
- Blood: Haemoglobin, total and differential count,
platelet count
- Liver and renal function tests, serum uric acid
- Urine examination
- Chest X-ray
- Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, and cytogenetics
for Ph chromosome
- Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
(RT-PCR) for the BCR–ABL gene
Bone marrow (BM) cytogenetic studies must
be done for all patients with CML before
treatment. Marrow cytogenetics help to
identify any unusual
or additional cytogenetic abnormalities.
RT-PCR for BCR–ABL at diagnosis will identify whether the commonly observed
e13a2(b2a2) or e14a2(b3a2) transcripts are present, or
one of the less common fusion transcripts that are not
amplified by the standard primer sets. If BM examination
is not feasible, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
on a PB specimen using dual probes for the BCR and ABL gene is a useful but secondary method of confirming the
diagnosis. This may detect cytogenetically silent BCR–ABL gene re-arrangements and deletions in
the derivatives 9q+. FISH is considerably
less sensitive than RT-PCR
and should not replace it.19,20
Though CML was described more than 100
years ago, Fowler solution21 (arsenic
trioxide in potassium bicarbonate)
and splenic radiation22 were the only
treatment options available till the 1950s. Busulphan,
agent, was introduced in 1954 and was
in controlling
leucocytosis. However, in view of its
marrow aplasia (1%–3%), hyperpigmentation and pulmonary
fibrosis, and inferior survival compared to hydroxyurea—it
is used only as part of high dose chemotherapy
along with cyclophosphamide in the setting
of haemopoietic
stem cell transplantation (SCT).23 Hydroxyurea,
introduced in the late 1960s, has a favourable
toxicity profile
and is effective in controlling the white
cell count. Recombinant interferon-a
(IFN-a) became available in the early
1990s and was superior to both busulphan
hydroxyurea in attaining
haematological remission (CHR), complete
cytogenetic response (CGR) and prolonging
survival. Over
the past 25 years, experience with allogeneic
from an HLA-matched sibling or an unrelated
suggests that it is the only potentially
curative treatment
for CML. Its limitations are the availability
of a matched
sibling donor in less than one-third
of patients and the potential morbidity
and chronic
graft-versus-host disease) and mortality
(5%–15%). Imatinib mesylate
(STI-571 or Gleevec) was approved for
use in May 2001 and has revolutionized
the management of CML.24 A comparison
of hydroxyurea, IFN-a and imatinib mesylate
is given
in Table II.
It is an S phase agent and acts by inhibiting
DNA synthesis. The drug has a rapid onset
and short
duration of action.
Therefore, it controls the white cell
count without marked or prolonged myelosuppression.
It is usually
given in
doses of 0.5–2.0 g per day in 2
divided doses. This drug has a special
role in patients with a very
high white cell count when rapid cytoreduction
is essential. In a newly diagnosed patient
of CP-CML (white cell
50 000/cmm), hydroxyurea should be started in a dose
of 2–3 g day along with imatinib mesylate. Once
the count is <20 000/cmm hydroxyurea
may be stopped.25 In many countries where
imatinib is still not easily
available, hydroxyurea is used in intermittent
dose schedules with monitoring of the
white cell count.
Interferon alpha (IFN-a)
A number of non-randomized26–33 and randomized
studies34–37 have shown the effectiveness of IFN-a in CP-CML (Tables III and IV). A CHR rate of 60%–80%
and a CGR rate of 40%–60% (including complete CGR
in about 10%) is achieved. Five randomized trials compared
the outcome of patients treated with IFN-a and those
treated with hydroxyurea or busulphan. Subsequently,
a meta-analysis of all the randomized trials provided
conclusive evidence that IFN-a significantly prolonged
survival in comparison to hydroxyurea.38,39 The duration
of response was significantly longer in patients with
complete CGR. The results are better if IFN-a is used
in early CP (within 1 year of diagnosis) compared with
late CP and in AP/BC (Ph suppression <10%). The dose
of IFN-a varies from 2 to 5 mIU/m2 daily subcutaneously.40 A study comparing 3 mIU of IFN-a three times a week with
5 mIU daily indicated that the low dose was as effective
as and better tolerated than the high dose.41 Elderly
patients (>60 years) tolerate IFN-a
poorly compared with younger patients.
The response criteria42 are
given in Table V.
To improve the response rate and survival,
IFN-a has been combined with low dose cytosine
homoharringtonine. Two randomized trials
by the French43 and Italian Groups44 compared
low dose
Ara-C and
IFN-a with
IFN-a alone in CP-CML. The French study
showed that the combination was better
than IFN-a alone, both
in terms
of cytogenetic response (35% v. 21%)
and 5-year survival (70% v. 62%). However,
the Italian
study failed to
demonstrate a survival benefit (68% v.
65%) despite better cytogenetic
response (21% v. 13%) in the combination
arm. Only an occasional patient achieves
IFN-a therapy.
The early side-effects of IFN-a include
fever, chills and anorexia. These can be
symptomatically by giving
 |
na not available * 74 evaluable for response
nr not reported
IFN-a at bed time and paracetamol one hour prior to IFN-a.
Tachyphylaxis develops within 1–2 weeks. The late
side-effects are dose-related and include persistent fatigue,
weight loss, neurotoxicity and occasionally immune-related
complications. IFN-a should be discontinued in patients
with severe suicidal tendencies, parkinsonism, autoimmune
haemolytic anaemia, or severe pulmonary or cardiac toxicity.
Dose modification is indicated in patients with severe
central nervous system toxicity, e.g memory changes, concentration
problems and grades II–III fatigue. The pegylated
form of IFN-a given once a week has been reported to have
a similar efficacy and less toxicity in initial studies.45
Imatinib mesylate (STI-571, Gleevec)
Imatinib mesylate is a 2-phenylaminopyrimidine derivative
and is a BCR–ABL tyrosine kinase signal transduction
inhibitor 571 (STI-571). It acts as a competitive inhibitor
of the ATP binding site on the protein and prevents its
phosphorylation (and thus its activity).46 The initial
landmark studies by Druker et al. showed high response
rates to imtainib mesylate in patients with advanced CML47
and those pre-treated with IFN-a.24,47 Recently, O’Brien
et al. (IRIS Group) have reported the results of a randomized
study of 1106 CP-CML patients.48 Patients received imatinib
(n=553) or IFN-a and low dose Ara-C (n=553). At a median
follow up of 18 months, the estimated major CGR rate was
87% compared with 34.7% in the IFN-a group. The estimated
CGR rate was 76% in the imatinib group compared to 14.5%
in the IFN-a group. This randomized study confirmed that
in terms of CHR, major cytogenetic response, CGR and the
likelihood of progression to AP/BC, imatinib was superior
to IFN-a and low dose Ara-C as first-line therapy in newly
diagnosed CP-CML patients.48 In addition, patients on imatinib
had a better quality of life.49 An update on the IRIS study
published recently showed that at a median follow up of
42 months, 98% of the patients were in CHR and 84% had
CGR; 75% of the patients were still on imatinib, 9% had
progressed to AP/BC, 6% developed significant toxicity
and 9% stopped imatinib due to other reasons.42
Two studies have been reported from India
(Table VI).50,51 The CHR rates in both these studies were
similar to those
by the IRIS study and from other centres52–54 but
the CGR rates were inferior to those reported by the IRIS
trial. The possible reasons for the low CGR rates in the
studies from India could be inclusion of a large number
of patients in late CP and with advanced disease, and of
those pre-treated with IFN-a. There appears to be a correlation
between plasma levels of imatinib and achievement of CGR.55
TABLE V. Criteria for assessing response in patients with
chronic myeloid leukaemia (adapted from references 20,
Haematological response
- Total leucocyte count <10 000/cmm, platelets
counts <450 000/cmm
- Normalization of differential count with no immature
(myelocytes, metamyelocytes, promyelocytes and blasts)
- Disappearance of all clinical signs and symptoms
including splenomegaly
- No evidence of extramedullary disease
- More than 50% decrease in total leucocyte count
from pre-treatment levels to <20 000/cmm
- Persistence of immature forms on the differential
- Persistent splenomegaly
Cytogenetic response (Ph-positive metaphases
in bone marrow)*
Complete† |
0% |
Partial† |
1%–35% |
Minor |
36%–65% |
Minimal |
66%–95% |
No |
100% |
Molecular response |
Major |
>3 log reduction of BCR–ABL mRNA |
Complete |
Negative by RT-PCR |
* based on the analysis of at least 20 metaphases
major cytogenetic response includes complete and partial
Dose. Patients in CP-CML should receive imatinib 400 mg
or 250 mg/m2 as a single daily dose. However, in those
with advanced disease a higher dose (600 mg daily) is used.
Kantarjian et al. treated 114 newly diagnosed CP-CML patients
using higher doses of imatinib—400 mg twice daily
compared to 400 mg daily in the standard arm. At a median
follow up of 15 months, 96% (109/114) achieved major cytogenetic
response with 90% CGR. In 63% of patients, BCR–ABL
transcripts decreased to <0.05% by quantitative PCR
and were undetectable in 28% of them.56 An update on this
study was presented recently;57 among 171 evaluable patients,
the CGR rate was 90% compared with 78% in the standard
arm (p<0.03). At 12 months, major molecular response
was noted in 54% compared with 24% in the standard arm
(p<0.001); 25 patients (4%) progressed compared with
8% in the standard arm (p<0.05). However, the overall
survival was similar in both arms, 99% v. 98% (p=0.24).
High doses of imatinib were associated with more frequent
grades III–IV myelosuppression and 39% of patients
required dose reduction.56,57 Phase I–II studies
have explored combinations of imatinib and low dose Ara-C58 or imatinib and pegylated IFN59 in an attempt to achieve
higher response rates. Recent data of two new drugs—BMS
354825 (dasatinib) and AMN107 (nilotinib) with potent ABL
kinase inhibitor activity are promising60,61 and combining
either of them with imatinib may prove to be superior than
imatinib alone.62
Toxicity. In the IRIS trial, the common late side-effects
(at 18 months) were neutropenia (3.8%), thrombocytopenia
(2.1%), anaemia (1%) and other drug-related grades III–IV
toxicities in 5.8% of patients. Common non-haematological
toxicities of imatinib are weight gain (median time 4–5
months), hypopigmen-tation of exposed parts63 and skin
toxicity. Transient reversible elevation of liver enzymes
may occur in 10%–20% of patients. Occasionally, tumour
lysis syndrome64 and bone marrow aplasia65 have been reported.
Monitoring treatment. Weekly blood counts for the first
4 weeks, twice weekly during the second month, then at
2–4-week intervals are recommended. This helps to
identify non-responders as well as those who develop major
toxicities requiring dose adjustment and/or granulocyte
colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) support. Renal and liver
function tests must be done initially 2-weekly for 1–2
months and then monthly.42
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Monitoring response. Bone marrow
cytogenetics is the gold standard for monitoring response.
It has been suggested that circulating BCR–ABL transcript
numbers should be measured by RT-PCR. For monitoring cytogenetic
response, bone marrow cytogenetic studies must be done
at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months (Table VII). In patients who achieve
significant response, quantitative PCR studies to monitor
BCR–ABL transcripts may be done from PB. Almost all
patients (>95%) achieve CHR by 12 weeks of imatinib
therapy. More than 80% of patients achieve CGR after12
months of imatinib therapy. Response rates are lower
in patients previously treated with IFN-a. Patients
who achieve some degree of CGR at 3 or 6 months are more
to achieve CGR at 12 months. About 5%–15% of patients
on imatinib achieve complete molecular remission. As patients
who achieve CGR
or major molecular remission become Ph-positive or BCR–ABL
positive after stopping imatinib, it is recommended that
in responders imatinib should be continued indefinitely.42
Despite achieving high CGR rates with imatinib, why patients
remain positive for BCR–ABL is not entirely clear.
It has been suggested that imatinib primarily inhibits
proliferation of BCR–ABL positive primitive progenitor
cells without induction of apoptosis. Hence, imatinib
may be able to prevent stem cell proliferation but unable
eliminate quiescent cells.66
Imatinib resistance. Primary haematological resistance
(defined as failure to obtain CHR) is seen in <5% of
early CP-CML patients (disease duration <6 months).67 Primary cytogenetic resistance (failure to achieve major
CGR) after 6 months of treatment or CGR after 12 months
of therapy is more common and is seen in about 15% of CP-CML
patients. In the IRIS study, 16% of patients developed
secondary resistance (defined as loss of haematological
or cytogenetic response) at 42 months of follow up. This
was low compared with 26% in the IFN-a and low dose Ara-C
group at 48 months of follow up.42,68 The frequency of
resistance is higher in patients with AP (73%) and BC (95%).
The common mechanisms of secondary resistance include mutations
in the BCR–ABL kinase domain (50%–90%),
overexpression of BCR–ABL (10%) typically through gene amplification,69,70 or acquisition of additional Ph chromosomes. Strategies
to overcome imatinib resistance include (i) dose escalation56,57 (higher doses of imatinib can overcome resistance in a
subset of patients but these responses are not durable);
(ii) combining it with conventional cytotoxic drugs with
established activity in CML (Ara-C,58 homoharringtonine,
has been studied in phase I–II trials;
(iii) treatment
with ABL kinase inhibitors, e.g. dasatinib
(BMS-354825) and nilotinib (AMN 107) (Table VIII).60,61
These data indicate that both agents have significant activity
in patients with CML resistant or intolerant to imatinib.
Whether a combination of imatinib with dasatinib or nilotinib
would be more effective in the primary treatment of CML
needs to be studied.
Allogeneic bone marrow/blood stem cell transplantation
Allogeneic haemopoietic SCT is a potentially curative treatment
for CML and results in sustained molecular remission (RT-PCR
negative) in a majority of patients. Such cures presumably
result from the combined effects of high dose chemotherapy
and the graft-versus-leukaemia effect mediated by donor-derived
T lymphocytes.70 Gratwohl et al. for the European Bone
 |
Transplant Registry (EBMTR) have reported
a risk-based scoring system (called EURO score) based on
5 principal prognostic factors (donor type, stage of CML,
recipient’s age, donor–recipient sex combination
and interval from diagnosis). Each factor was scored 0,
1 or 2 (0=most favourable, 2=least favourable). The aggregate
score calculated in this manner correlated well with the
actual survival.76 This approach appears useful for a clinician
to make recommendations and for the patient to decide whether
or not to undergo allogeneic SCT.76 This has been validated
in a large number of patients in a recent study by the
EBMTR (Table IX).77
About 50% of CP-CML patients achieve long term leukaemia-free
survival (LFS) following transplant; LFS is higher for
young patients and those with a EURO risk score of 0–1
(60%–70%). The outcome of HLA-matched sibling transplants
is superior compared to matched unrelated donor transplants.
For patients with AP and BC allogeneic SCT results in a
disease-free survival rate of 15%–25% and <15%,
CML is highly susceptible to a graft-versus-leukaemia effect.
Patients who relapse after allogeneic SCT can be treated
successfully using donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) without
pre-transplant conditioning. For patients with molecular
or cytogenetic relapse of CML, the complete remission rate
is 85%–90%, and most responses are sustained.82–84 These observations have led to the use of non-myeloablative
or less intensive allotransplants, especially for patients
above 45–50 years of age. Patients may engraft with
mixed chimerism which gradually converts to full donor
chimerism with the use of DLI.85
Excellent and rapid responses achieved with imatinib have
led to a dilemma for patients and physicians: whether to
delay allogeneic SCT (in view of its potential morbidity
and mortality). Imatinib results in complete CGR in 75%–80%
of CP patients but
molecular CR in only 5%–15%. Further, the depth of
molecular CR is inferior compared with those achieved after
allogeneic SCT.42 Other limitations of imatinib include
prolonged treatment (currently lifelong); in 6%–9%
patients the disease progresses even after an excellent
response, sometimes without early warning;42 and the high
cost of the drug. Many investigators are of the opinion
that for young patients (<30–35 years) with an
HLA-identical sibling donor and a low risk EURO score (0–2)
allogeneic SCT may be offered as the primary treatment.
For those in a higher age group or who do not have an HLA-identical
match, imatinib should be used. Patients who achieve CHR
by 12 weeks and major cytogenetic response by 12 months
or CGR by 18 months of imatinib therapy should be continued
on imatinib.19,20 Patients who fail to achieve these milestones
or have evidence of loss of response or imatinib resistance
after an initial response, should be considered for allogeneic
SCT. Patients with a high Sokal score should be considered
for SCT in the beginning. Similarly, children regardless
of Sokal score should be considered for allogeneic SCT.
Since the results of imatinib therapy in advanced stages
of CML are poor, such patients should be considered for
allogeneic SCT at the earliest (Fig. 1).42
CML vaccine
The junctional region of p210 bcr–abl contains amino
acid sequences that are not expressed in a normal cell.
From these amino acid sequences peptides can be synthesized
which can elicit HLA class I restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes
and class II responses.
Recently, Bocchia et al. in a phase II multicentric trial
have shown that a vaccine targeting the BCR–ABL derived
p210 fusion protein can further reduce persistent residual
disease in patients
 |
on conventional treatment for CML and
elicits a tumour-specific immune response.86 These findings
need confirmation in a larger number of patients. The dose
(of peptide) and schedule of administration of the vaccine
also need to be worked out.87
The introduction of imatinib mesylate has revolutionized
the management of CML. Imatinib treatment is associated
with higher haematological and cytogenetic response rates.
While most of these responses are stable, resistance to
treatment after an initial response can occur, more so
in patients in advanced stages of the disease. Most patients
continue to be positive for BCR–ABL by RT-PCR, indicating
persistence of disease. The option of allogeneic SCT must
be considered carefully after evaluating the response to
imatinib at important time points and taking patient preference
into account.42
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